Home > LIBYA, News > No aid to Libyan insurgents – House

No aid to Libyan insurgents – House

Friday, July 8, 2011

Laaska News  July 8,2011
House rejects fund cut off for Libyan operations

US Congress. Photo: © Flickr.com/Luke Robinson/cc-by-nc-sa 3.0

The U.S. House of Representatives has denied the White House the ability to fund the Libyan arms, provide shipments to insurgents, and spend money on their education.

However lawmakers also rejected a resolution to stop funding U.S. involvement in NATO’s military operation in Libya.

In late June, Congress approved a Senate plan to send U.S. troops to Libya. Accordingly, U.S. soldiers are likely to join their colleagues from the Alliance in the North African country.

It is planned that in late September, the U.S. will spend 1.1 billion dollars on the military presence off the coast of Libya.

In order to justify the operation, the White House has once again called for the protection of the civilian population from the actions of Muammar Gaddafi’s government and for the prevention of the destruction of the opposition.

House rejects fund cut off for Libyan operations

Pentagon's building. Photo: © Flickr.com/mindfrieze/cc-by-sa 3.0

The U.S. House of Representatives has rejected an amendment to the Pentagon’s budget for next year, which prohibits the funding of military operations in Libya.

229 lawmakers voted against the document and 199 voted for it.

The amendment proposed prohibitting the use of funds to continue U.S. participation in NATO operations in Libya.

If passed it was to have come into force on the 1st of October.


U.S. House again rejects defunding of Libya mission

Laaska News.