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India – More than 50 killed in India bus accident

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Laaska News  August 12,  2012

An overcrowded bus has plunged into a gorge in India killing more than 50 people.

The bus was carrying about 100 people. It fell 100 meters into a gorge in the mountainous state of Himachal Pradesh on Saturday.

52 people died and more than 40 were injured.

Police say the bus was carrying more than the legal capacity of 60 passengers, with people sitting in the aisles and on the roof.

They suspect the driver lost control of the vehicle on a sharp curve.

A similar bus accident on Wednesday killed 31 people. The road was wet with rain at the time of the accident.

Bus accidents are frequent in India where many drivers tend to ignore basic traffic rules including the maximum number of people allowed in a vehicle.

The lack of proper roads is another cause of accidents.

Travelling by bus remains an important means of transportation in rural parts of India.

Aug. 11, 2012